Looking for fabulous health...for good?
Learn my secrets for great energy, restful sleep and weight loss...
Missing your old body but overwhelmed with conflicting health advice from the internet? Tried a DIY effort and nothing helped?
You used to have good health but it faded as you put your all into raising a family, working hard and spinning the plates of life.
Your know your hormones aren't right. Your PMS is worse, you're depressed and anxious, your periods are absent or too frequent and crazy heavy. You're exhausted but can't sleep. Caffeine, chocolate and wine are keeping you going! This is all very real, yet your doctor has only offered you the pill or anti-depressants.
Well, now it's your turn to be the priority! You can have great health again, by getting to the root cause and fixing the problem, not the symptoms. And I can show you how, with all the support you need to succeed.
Revive your all-day energy. Tame your PMS. Sleep restfully. Feel calm. Burn belly fat.
Five Pillars of Hormonal Recovery
Self Care
This is the first and biggest step - deciding that you are worth caring for and committing to it. It will involve trial and error to find all the ways of looking after yourself that feel good and are doable for you. Finding sustainable practices allows continuous health improvement and maintenance.
Gut Healing
Healing your gut is key to rebalancing your hormones. Doing so reduces inflammation, balances blood-sugar, increases nutrient absorption, and strengthens the immune system.
Restorative Sleep
High sleep quality is essential for good health. Women need more than men but get less. I have simple ways to help you improve your sleep quality. With sleep success you'll have the energy to tackle your health issues more easily.
A nutrient dense diet supplies the building blocks for repair, rebuild and rebalance. High protein, low carb and healthy fats are central. Eating real food, prepared by hand, excludes what you don't need and prioritises what you do need.
Primal Reconnection
We are so disconnected from receiving nature's signals but they are expected by our bodies for good health. Daylight outside, our feet on the ground, seasonal food, fasting, walking, hot and cold exposure are all primal signals to reconnect with.
I'm here to guide you to better health and take the guesswork out of the process
I'm a qualified Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach (I call myself this because I offer so much more than nutrition advice), passionate about helping women regain hormonal control so they can thrive again. I help women feel better through a real food diet, gut healing, primal reconnection and movement that feels good.
Allow me to listen to your story and find a personalised solution that works for you!
Sarah, UK
Ellie truly listened to my concerns, taking the time to understand my situation and get to the root of the problem. She provided clear, actionable steps to follow, and with her guidance, I was able to transform not only the way I eat but also my entire approach to food...I feel more balanced and healthier overall
I was exhausted and miserable and my moods were out of control. My digestion was in a terrible state from all the stress... With Ellie's support and recommendations I am now free of many of the symptoms of my diverticulitis. My jeans fit again... I've lost weight AND the bloating is gone. My sleep is the best it has been in years. Having Ellie's support and encouragement throughout the 12 week programme was extremely beneficial. It wasn't easy to do but the gentle guidance and support that she gave made it achievable.
Mary, Ireland